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Low Back Pain and Golf:

Lower back pain is the most common injury in golf, why?

  1. Lack of Proper Hip Motion – You need both Internal and external hip rotation through the golf swing.  If you are lacking hip rotation your back motion will increase putting more stress on it.
  2. Lack of Upper back Rotation – 12 vertebrae in your upper back move 3 degrees each and 5 vertebrae in your lower back each move 2 degrees each in rotation.  If your upper back cannot rotate the 30-35 degrees needed then your lower back has to move more than the 10 degrees it should be moving.   Increased motion greater than 3 degrees in the lumbar spine can damage vertebrae.
  3. Weak Core Stability: The ability of these muscles to resist the force traveling through the spine.  The multifidus is one of the core stabilizers and if it is injured it can weaken and atrophy up to 25% the first week.  This can lead to chronic issues.
  4. Swing Mechanics : such as reverse spin angle – you need to see a swing coach to have that evaluated.
  5. Lifestyle – Pre existing lower back injuries, obesity, physical inactivity, smoking etc. 

Golf Injuries - Lilyfield Physiotherapy


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